
Crackles are explosive breathing patterns caused by lung air sacs filling with fluid and act as an indicator for a plethora of pulmonary diseases. Clinical studies suggest a strong correlation between the presence of these adventitious auscultations and mortality rate, especially in pediatric patients, underscoring the importance of their pathological indication. While clinically important, crackles occur rarely in breathing signals relative to other phases and abnormalities of lung sounds, imposing a considerable class imbalance in developing learning methodologies for automated tracking and diagnosis of lung pathologies. The scarcity and clinical relevance of crackle sounds compel a need for exploring data augmentation techniques to enrich the space of crackle signals. Given their unique nature, the current study proposes a crackle-specific constrained synthetic sampling (CSS) augmentation that captures the geometric properties of crackles across different projected object spaces. We also outline a task-agnostic validation methodology that evaluates different augmentation techniques based on their goodness of fit relative to the space of original crackles. This evaluation considers both the separability of the manifold space generated by augmented data samples as well as a statistical distance space of the synthesized data relative to the original. Compared to a range of augmentation techniques, the proposed constrained-synthetic sampling of crackle sounds is shown to generate the most analogous samples relative to original crackle sounds, highlighting the importance of carefully considering the statistical constraints of the class under study.

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