
To date, there is a fairly large number of electrical equipment that is a source of asymmetric modes of operation in medium and low voltage electrical networks. This electrical equipment can create conductive low-frequency electromagnetic interference in electrical networks by the coefficient of voltage asymmetry in the reverse sequence. Studying the methodological basis of research on the theory of conductive low-frequency interference, it was found that when switching from one adjacent electrical network to another (for example, from a 0.4 kV network to a 10 kV network and vice versa) potential for conductive low-frequency interference decreases, i.e. the interference is partially suppressed by a certain amount. This amount is called the criterion determining the changes of the voltage asymmetry coefficient values in the reverse sequence in the transition of conductive low-frequency electromagnetic interference to the adjacent network. The purpose of this article is to develop a mathematical model for the study of network parameters affecting voltage asymmetry in the reverse sequence, which is reduced to a method for determining the value of the criterion for the effect of an asymmetric load on voltage distortion in a 10 kV network for recommendations for reducing voltage asymmetry. The article describes in detail the method of calculating this value and how it can be used to form recommendations for reducing voltage asymmetry. Scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that an empirical mathematical model has been obtained that determines the criterion for the influence of an asymmetric load in a low-voltage network, the impact on which makes it possible to improve the electromagnetic situation in a 10 kV electrical network. This parameter can be taken into account when designing elements of electrical networks to determine the electromagnetic environment.

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