
The biological yield potential of modern winter wheat varieties has been established. The market, changes of organizational and ownership structures in the agricultural sector are studied. The problem of stable and reliable production of winter wheat grain and improvement of its quality has been disclosed. The works of domestic and foreign scientists have been analyzed and their significant contribution to the creation of modern cultivation technology ensuring high profitability of winter wheat has been determined. Grain yields for competitive production are proved. The article is based on the importance in the technological regulation of cultivation of such components as rational fertilization, reasonable sowing norms, which allow to manage the production process of winter wheat crops and to receive high yields, to increase the economic efficiency of cultivation of crops. The efficiency of application of the increased background of fertilizer at the seeding rate of 3.0 million pieces is theoretically substantiated and experimentally proved. us. / ha to realize the genetic potential of winter wheat under the conditions of PE "Zetto", which is located in the village. Klekotina of Shargorod district, Vinnytsia region in the zone of Right-bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The system of agrotechnical measures and their combination in the technology of cultivation is optimized and economically justified, which ensures stable high yield and good quality of winter wheat grain. It is established that for optimization of production processes of plants and rational use of natural and climatic potential of the region and material and technical resources for the purpose of stable grain production. Taking into account the complex of unsolved problems concerning the optimal rate of sowing of winter wheat seeds on the increased backgrounds of fertilizers in relation to the specific soil and climatic conditions of cultivation and biological features of modern varieties and hybrids, technological aspects of cultivation are proposed, which preserve fertility. Key words: winter wheat, soil fertility, land use, variety, seeding rate, fertilizer system.

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