
The importance of in vitro tools to complement other ex situ methods for saving plants from extinction is more relevant than ever before. More than 50% of the world’s plant species are endemic to the 34 global biodiversity hotspots (GBHs), each holding at least 1,500 endemic plant species. In addition, a large number of small islands hold a number of endemic species on the brink of extinction. Conservation support concentrating more on these hotspots and small islands would significantly reduce the loss of species that is currently occurring. In the majority of these cases, the resources are either locally scarce or difficult to access for in vitro conservation to support other ex situ measures. Most island countries are small, and their geographical position is a stumbling block to initiate active partnerships with other countries when they need to use in vitro tools to rescue plants that produce recalcitrant seeds/spores or propagate only by vegetative means. However, many biodiversity hotspot countries have facilities and expertise, and they concentrate on their own flora for in vitro conservation programmes. For decades, because of the grave threat these plants face, the Conservation Biotechnology Unit, previously known as the Micropropagation Unit, at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (RBG Kew) has been at the forefront of assisting countries to save their valuable biodiversity through both in situ and ex situ methods. Approaches mentioned here highlight work on recalcitrant ferns from GBHs and small islands. Source materials from recalcitrant species, either spore or seed and in some cases vegetative material, need to be used immediately after collection for tangible results in vitro. This becomes more difficult when only a few plants or small populations are left in the wild. The task becomes harder when available material is small in quantity, and there is greater restriction on the use of available genetic diversity in the wild. This paper highlights the importance of proper collection measures, in vitro culture procedures and cryopreservation and methods for the integrated conservation of threatened ferns from both GBHs and small islands. The importance of international networking to achieve these conservation goals also will be discussed.

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