
The aims of this study were to documented and evaluate the conservation status of fishes in Krueng Sabee River, Aceh Jaya District, Indonesia. The study was conducted from April to May 2017 and April-May 2018 at three zonas of the river: upstream, middle stream and downstream or estuary area of Krueng Sabee River. Purposive sampling was conducted in determining the sampling locations and the data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that a total of 581 individual of fishes were collected during the study. It was belonging to 12 species, 7 genera and 9 families. The conservation status analyzed showed that Osteochilus vittatus, Ambassis vachellii, Puntius microps, Caranx ignobilis, Lutjanus argentimaculatus, Puntius sp., Mystus bimaculatus, Megalop cyprinoides were categorized at Least Concern (LC). Then, six species were Not Evaluated (NE), namely: Valamugil scheli, Oreochromis nilaticus, Rasbora rutteni, O. mossambicus, Channa striata, and Tricopodus trichopterus. The analysis was also indicated that Tor tambra was considered Vulnerable (VU).

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