
The Aral Sea basin is situated at the northern part of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (an autonomous republic within Uzbekistan) and decants into the Syr Darya River. The southern part is located in the Republic of Uzbekistan territories and decants into the Amu Darya River. The two rivers irrigate most of the territories of Central Asian countries (Uzbekistan,Kazakhstan, Karkyistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan) beside the northern parts of Afghanistan. The Aral Sea has faced acute environmental, economic and humanitarian crises for many decades due to an agrarian reform project during Soviet Union era. The gradual drying of the Aral Sea led to an environmental disaster affecting millions living in the Aral Sea basin area and its surroundings, particularly in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. This research addresses the Aral Sea ecological disaster’s consequences and socio-economic situation, in addition to the Aral Sea disaster impact on population and environment. The aim of this research paper is to create awareness of the ecological disaster of the Aral Sea basin, finding solutions from the international community, cooperation among the Central Asian Countries regarding the issue, and water security in the region.

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