
This article is a theoretical study that aimed to analyze the incorporation of the category in the field of Community Social Psychology (PSC), in order to reflect on the complex theoretical framework that constitutes such an assumption and the challenges that are posed for the professional practice of the community psychologist in the current Brazilian social context. Therefore, we seek to delineate the theoretical bases of the category of conscientization based on Paulo Freire and its adoption by latin american social psychology, such as Ignacio Martin-Baro and Maritza Montero. Then, we discuss the possible theoretical-methodological impasses faced by professionals in psychology to implement the conscientization in the spaces of professional and community action. We considers that the limits and possibilities placed on the task of conscientization involve a historical analysis of social and subjective phenomena, in their dialectical relationship, making it increasingly necessary to rescue and strengthen critical perspectives of action that they assume, in their radicality, the ethical-political perspective of Liberation.

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