
A new approach using graph-theory to determine the controllability and observability of large scale nonlinear dynamic thermal systems is presented. The novelty of this method is in adapting graph theory for a nonlinear class and establishing graphic conditions that describe the necessary and sufficient conditions for a class of nonlinear systems to be controllable and observable which is equivalent to the analytical method of Lie algebra rank condition. Graph theory of directed graph (digraph) is utilized to model the system and its adaptation to nonlinear problems is defined. The necessary and sufficient conditions for controllability are investigated through the structural property of a digraph called connectability. In comparison to the Lie Algebra, this approach has proven to be easier, from a computational point of view, thus it is found to be useful when dealing with large scale systems. This paper presents the problem statement, properties of structured system, and analytical method of Lie algebra rank condition for controllability and observability of bilinear systems. The main results of graphical approach which describe the necessary and sufficient conditions for controllability of nonlinear systems are presented and applied to the problem of a coupled two heat exchangers, connected in an arbitrary fashion.

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