
Summary We survey conjugacy results in groups of finite Morley rank, mixing unipotence, Carter, and Sylow theories in this context. Introduction When considering certain classes of groups one might expect conjugacy theorems, and the class of groups of finite Morley rank is not an exception to this. The study of groups of finite Morley rank is mostly motivated by the Algebricity Conjecture, formulated by G. Cherlin and B. Zilber in the late seventies, which postulates that infinite simple groups of this category are isomorphic to algebraic groups over algebraically closed fields. The model-theoretic rank involved appeared in the sixties when M. Morley proved his famous theorem on the categoricity in any uncountable cardinal of first order theories categorical in one uncountable cardinal [Mor65]. He introduced for that purpose an ordinal valued rank, later shown to be finite by J. Baldwin in the uncountably categorical context [Bal73], and this rank can be seen as an abstract version of the Zariski dimension in algebraic geometry over an algebraically closed field. In particular, the category of groups of finite Morley rank encapsulates finite groups and algebraic groups over algebraically closed fields. One of the most basic tools for analyzing finite groups is Sylow theory, and in algebraic groups semisimplicity and unipotence theory play a similar role. It is thus not surprising to see these two theories, together with all conjugacy results they sugest, having enormous and close developments in the more abstract category of groups of finite Morley rank.

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