Central hypogonadism (CH) is a rare disease that occurs with a frequency of 1 : 8000 in women and 1 : 4000 in men. In 60 % of cases of CH, it is caused by Kallmann syndrome (KS) — a disease in which hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is combined with olfactory disorders (hyposmia or anosmia).Aim — to study clinical features, principles of diagnosis of CH/KS and evaluation of the effectiveness of various treatment. Materials and methods. 4 cases with CH/KS from three families had been described. Laboratory and instrumental investigations were used to confirm the KS; genetic diagnosis was performed using targeted next-generation sequencing (tNGS hypogonadotropic panel).Results. Patients with CH/KS had a wide spectrum of genital disorders (micropenia, cryptorchidism, microorchidism), which appeared at different age. Extragenital pathology was found in three of four patients: namely disorders of kidney, eye, respiratory system, hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism and epilepsy. It should be noted that all patients had olfactory disorders, which appeared in two of them only during a detailed survey after receiving genetic testing. In all patients, the diagnosis of CH was confirmed by the test with triptorelin 0.1. Also, all patients who underwent densitometry were found to have significant osteoporosis. In three patients, genetic testing confirmed hemizygous pathogenic variants in ANOS1 gene, while in one patient a heterozygous variant in FGFR1 gene was confirmed. After treatment with chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), two patients responded positively, with a descent of the testicles into the scrotum and an increase of testosterone level and testicular volume. However, in the other two patients there was no positive trend in treatment with HCG, therefore, the use of recombinant human FSH (r-FSH) in the form of priming and then further — in combination with HCG may be considered. Although the presence of severe microorchidism, cryptorchidism, low levels of AMH, inhibin B, and an unsatisfactory response to the previous treatment with HCG indicates extremely unfavorable prognosis. Therefore, in order to achieve the fertility in some patients with CH/KS, the most likely attempt is the use of assisted reproductive technologies.Conclusions. The leading problem in the treatment of patients with KS is their different response to hormone therapy, including different manifestations of the disease.
a rare disease that occurs with a frequency
it is caused by Kallmann syndrome
a disease in which hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is combined with olfactory disorders
0,76 в ампулі, 1/4—1/3 ампули внутрішньом’язово кожних 30 днів, тестостерон трансдермально по 2,5 г двічі на тиждень протягом 5 міс Примітка. *р-лФСГ — рекомбінантний людський ФСГ, фолітропін-α. Подальший фізичний розвиток — без відхилень від норми. У віці 16 років під час обстеження комісією військового комісаріату виявлено затримку статевого розвитку, мікрогеніталізм. При зверненні — скарги на затримку статевого розвитку. Результати гормонального обстеження: тиреотропний гормон (ТТГ), вільний тироксин (вТ4), вільний трийодтиронін (вТ3) — у межах норми, базальний рівень ФСГ — 1,08 ОД/л (норма — 12,5 ОД/л), ЛГ — 0,48 ОД/л (норма — 1,5—9,0 ОД/л). Проведено пробу з лХГ (у дозі 1500 МО упродовж 3 днів, з дослідженням рівня вільного тестостерону через 24 год після останньої ін’єкції). Ендокринологом за місцем проживання рекомендована консультація у медико-генетичному центрі та лікування препаратами лХГ у дозі 750 МО No 10 протягом 5 тижнів з контролем УЗД калитки через 6 міс.
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