
Using examples comparing the sages and exemplars that Confucius upholds in the Analects to iconic Western characters from movies, comics, and contemporary literature—like Harry Potter, the Avengers, and Lord of the Rings—the author proposes (and, in the Appendix, provides a series of examples of) a new American slang translation of the canonical Confucian text. The essay translates the term Junzi 君子—the ideal Confucian gentleman at the center of the Analects who has internalized and embodies virtues like moral fortitude, politeness, love of learning, a sense of justice, and trustworthiness—as “superhero.” The slang translation is a calculated effort to approximate the vernacular, colloquial context of the original Analects, something that it is lost in most academic and literary translations. Both the idea of Junzi as superhero and the slang help make this timeless text more contemporary and relevant to a young English-language audience while bringing back its fun and excitement, conveying the lively feeling of spirited Confucian discourse. In this manner, the context and life lessons become far more fun to read and easier to understand, and the timeless and timely wisdom of Confucius can have a positive influence extending to American youth today.

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