
[reaction: see text] Low-temperature 13C NMR spectra of cis-1,4-di-tert-butylcyclohexane (1) showed signals for the twist-boat (1a) and chair (1b) conformations. 13C NMR signals were assigned to specific carbons based on the different populations, different symmetries (time-averaged C(2v) for 1a and time-averaged C(s) for 1b), and calculated chemical shifts (GIAO, HF/6-311+G*). In addition to slow ring inversion and interconversion of the chair and twist-boat conformations, slow rotation of the tert-butyl groups was found. Most of the expected 13C peaks were observed. Free-energy barriers of 6.83 and 6.35 kcal/mol were found for interconversion of 1a (major) and 1b (minor) at -148.1 degrees C. Conformational space was searched with Allinger's MM3 and MM4 programs, and free energies were obtained for several low-energy conformations 1a-c. Calculations were repeated with ab initio methods up to the HF/6-311+G* level. Molecular symmetries, relative free energies, relative enthalpies and entropies, frequencies, and NMR chemical shifts were obtained. A boat conformation (1d; C(2v) symmetry) was generated and optimized as a transition state by ab initio, MM3, and MM4 calculations.

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