
The present work is an effort to understand the impact of agribusiness and the SUAPE complex in Mata Sul in Pernambuco during the Anthropocene, and the resistance of local peasants. To achieve the proposed objective, we carried out a case study, preceded by a bibliographical review and the systematization of testimonies from representatives of different categories that make up the territory's peasantry, collected during the immersion period of the classes of the Postgraduate Program in Agroecology and Territorial Development (PPGADT), from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). During the activities, the testimonies allowed, on the one hand, to perceive the negative impacts related to the social, economic and environmental issues of sugar exploitation, established during the colonial period in the region. On the other hand, this scenario is quite revealing of how the peasant organization and struggle for their survival, reproduction and better living conditions have been occurring, with implications for different forms of resistance experienced in response to and in the face of territorial development models.

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