
Introduction: Conflict is one of factors contributes to waste of energy and employees’ capabilities. Since, instead of a proper combination of production elements with human resources and moving toward organization’s objectives and effectiveness, they dissipate human and financial resources. On the other hand employee turnover is one of the most serious issues in current scenario. Educational growth, rapid technology and economical changes and cultural variations have influenced in all occupations.. Methods: Quantitative non-experimental co-relational research design was used to examine the relationship between conflict management style and turnover intention. In order to assess conflict management styles, data was collected through the standardized self-report questionnaire instrument developed by Johnson and Johnson in 2006. The instrument consists of thirty five proverbs. Each of the thirty-five proverbs corresponds to 1 of the 5 conflict management style (Withdrawing/avoiding, Forcing/competing, Smoothing/obliging, Compromising, and Confronting/integrating). It was used five-point scale: “Never do this” (1), “Seldom do this” (2), “Sometimes do this” (3), “Frequently do this” (4), “Usually do this” (5). The style with the highest score tends to be used the most frequently. The Anticipated Turnover Scale developed by Hinshaw and Atwood in 1984 to study turn over intention among nurses. It seeks to measure employs perception or opinion of the possibility of voluntarily terminating their present job. Results: The findings of this study revealed that the nurses were most likely to prefer an obliging style of conflict management, followed in rank order by competing, compromising, confronting and avoiding, 43.2% participants were in favor of intention to stay and 58.8 were in favor of intention to leave and there was statistically significant positive correlation between conflict management style and nurse’s turnover intention and p value is p≤0.01. Conclusions: Designing and implementing educational program on “different conflict management styles" and "how to manage work related conflict". Further research in this area is necessary with a larger sample ranging across different governmental and private hospitals in different governorates to enhance our understanding of the main causes of conflict and how to manage it. Keywords - Conflict, Intention, Managers, Nurses, Styles, Turnover. DOI : 10.7176/JHMN/67-14 Publication date :October 31 st 2019

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