
Introduction: Middle Eastern wars from a world historical and international system perpective. Part 1 The international system as a configuration of regional subsystems - the case of the Middle East: the science of international relations - between globalism and regionalism the Middle East - its location and delimitation. Part 2 From Arab renaissance (NAHDA) to the Six-Day War - the new historical epoch after June 1967: the Six-Day War, 1967 - the background and multi-faceted character of an escalated regional conflict the regional and international repercussions of the Six-Day War - the end of Nasserism and the beginning of a new historical epoch. Part 3 The 1973 October War - the regional dynamic of the Middle East conflict and the Superpowers, oil and shifts in regional and international alliances: the Yom Kippur, Ramadan or October War? Historical continuity from the Six-Day War to the Nineteen-Day War the Superpowers and the October War October 1973 - the war with arms and the war with oil, petro-dollar power and Saudi-Egyptian axis 1973-77 and its revival during the Gulf War and aftermath. Part 4 The Gulf War, its linkages and background regional dynamic and the fragmentation of the Middle East in the post-cold war era: the Middle East between the 1973 October War and the 1990-91 Gulf War - an epidemically militarized region of conflict from the Iraq-Kuwait conflict to the Gulf War the historical context of conflict and war in the Middle East in the light of the Gulf War.

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