
This descriptive research has adopted confirmatory factor analysis to analyze component factors of integrating research model, which comprising factors are the research, evaluation measurement, quality assurance and integrating research, evaluation measurement and quality assurance to support teachers’ works on their educational study. The model itself can be utilized to support strategy development to improve work allocation structure within school organization. The sample survey was consisting of 620 teachers from 3 educational departments: Department of Education Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Office of The Basic Education Commission, and Office of the Private Education Commission. Data collection was conducted and measuredthrough more than 20 questions on 4 indicators. The analysis was performed by analyzing surveyed components on rotational axes using SPSS for Windows and confirmative analyses using LISREL 8.8 (Student). Confirmative analysis of components using LISREL has shown that the model conformedto empirical data. AsChi-square test has yielded a value of 147.27, df=121 equivalent to a probability of 0.0524, additionally, Goodness of fit index: GFI=0.977 and Adjusted goodness of fit index: AGFI=0.960, Model AIC=325.269, Saturated AIC=420.000, Model CAIC=808.514, Saturated CAIC=1560.241. This means the indicators are suitable for teacher's workon integrating research, evaluation measurement and quality assurance. Result discussion could lead to identification ofstrength and weakness of the organization which is beneficial to the increasing strategy of happy people in the school.

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