Walker constellation is the most effective constellation for global coverage and is often used for earth observation, navigation and internet communication. A scenario that several faulted satellites in a Walker constellation lead to its performance degradation can be quickly repaired to a certain extent by reconstructing the on-orbit satellite configuration. Different from the classical strategies such as adjusting the phase of the adjacent satellites, uniform the on-satellites' phase and adjusting the plane of the adjacent satellites, this paper proposes a bionic reconstruction method which uses the elastic mechanics method of thin film plate to generate the satellite maneuver strategy in the constellation reconstruction process, minimizes the performance degradation between the repaired configuration and the previous configuration. Thus, the maneuver strategy of each satellite can be calculated in reversely. The simulation example shows that the maneuver strategy by the bionic reconstruction method is more harmonious and natural than the classical strategies.
A scenario that several faulted satellites in a Walker constella⁃ tion lead to its performance degradation can be quickly repaired to a certain extent by reconstructing the on⁃orbit satellite configuration
Different from the classical strategies such as adjusting the phase of the adjacent satellites, u⁃ niform the on⁃satellites′ phase and adjusting the plane of the adjacent satellites, this paper proposes a bionic recon⁃ struction method which uses the elastic mechanics method of thin film plate to generate the satellite maneuver strate⁃ gy in the constellation reconstruction process, minimizes the performance degradation between the repaired configu⁃ ration and the previous configuration
The simulation example shows that the maneuver strategy by the bionic reconstruction method is more harmonious and natural than the classical strategies
Walker 星座是全球覆盖最有效星座[1] ,常用于 对地观测、导航和互联网通信等。 近年来,随着卫星 和运载火箭标准化、商业化和产业化,星座部署成本 降低。 而全球观测覆盖率、重访时间分辨率等需求 增长使得星座中卫星数量急剧增长,如 Space⁃X 公 司 Star⁃link 互联网星座预计最终部署约 42 000 颗 卫星。 因单颗卫星系统故障解体或空间碎片撞击引 发 Kessler 效应[2] 可能导致 Walker 星座中同轨道面 相邻多颗卫星均处于碎片带,进而产生故障,引起星 座整体性能下降[3] 。 星座性能快速修复有 2 种途 径:1地面具备快速发射响应能力,补充卫星来弥补 失效卫星原有职能[4] ;2依靠在轨卫星构型重构对 星座整体性能进行一定程度修复[5] 。 前者由于近 年来快速响应火箭技术发展逐渐被重视,但快响火 箭运载能力和响应周期仍难满足现实需求,而后者 因其可快速实现性被学者长期研究。 对于卫星数量 较少的星座可以采用轨道力学专家知识简单计算出 可接受重构策略[5⁃6] , 甚至采用间接法给出最优策 略[7] ,而对于卫星数量稍多的情况采用智能进化算 法[8⁃10] 或拍卖算 法[11] 给出可行重构策略。 一 些 学 者也将多 Agent 技术引入到卫星编队构型重构问题 中来[12] ,但重 构位置分配问题仍利用拍卖算法求解[13] 。 随着星座中卫星数量急剧增长,轨道力学专 Ú ú éê Δvt ùú ëêΔvh ûú ëêê ∂a n ∂i naûúú U = 2( Δvt + Δvh) = U( t,Δu,ΔΩ) (23) 参考文献[5] 中修复比例概念,设星座未受损
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