
We demonstrated a cost-effective and deterministic method of patterning 3D cone arraysover a large area by using nanoimprint lithography (NIL). Cones with tip radius ofless than 10 nm were successfully duplicated onto the UV-curable imprint resistmaterials from the silicon cone templates. Such cone structures were shown to bea versatile platform for developing reliable, highly sensitive surface enhancedRaman spectroscopy (SERS) substrates. In contrast to the silicon nanocones,the SERS substrates based on the Au coated cones made by the NIL offeredsignificant improvement of the SERS signal. A further improvement of the SERSsignal was observed when the polymer cones were imprinted onto a reflectivemetallic mirror surface. A sub-zeptomole detection sensitivity for a model molecule,trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)-ethylene (BPE), on the Au coated NIL cone surfaces was achieved.

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