
Single electron transistors are fabricated on single Si nanochains, synthesised by thermal evaporation of SiO solid sources. The nanochains consist of one-dimensional arrays of ∼10 nm Si nanocrystals, separated by SiO2 regions. At 300 K, strong Coulomb staircases are seen in the drain–source current–voltage (Ids–Vds) characteristics, and single-electron oscillations are seen in the drain–source current–gate voltage (Ids–Vgs) characteristics. From 300–20 K, a large increase in the Coulomb blockade region is observed. The characteristics are explained using single-electron Monte Carlo simulation, where an inhomogeneous multiple tunnel junction represents a nanochain. Any reduction in capacitance at a nanocrystal well within the nanochain creates a conduction “bottleneck”, suppressing current at low voltage and improving the Coulomb staircase. The single-electron charging energy at such an island can be very high, ∼20kBT at 300 K.

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