
Students are a special social group united by approximately the same age and specific working and living conditions. The intensive and rather long-lasting learning process imposes strict requirements to the adaptive mechanisms of their organism. The article presents the results of a study of the pedagogical conditions for student adaptation to studying at the university. We examined 90 first-year students majoring in Pedagogy at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Mari State University. Several groups were composed of the students who came to study from the former USSR countries. We determined a number of core indicators such as cardiac rate, the systolic and diastolic pressure value, the cardiovascular response to breath hold and psychoemotional stress. Also we studied the adaptation potential (AP) value, conducted the 'individual minute' test. We calculated some hemodynamic parameters according to the Baevsky formula. It has been established that differentiated and personality-centered education is an important factor of the effectiveness of student adaptation to the learning process. The study found that the implementation of specified conditions contributed to the effectiveness of student adaptation to the learning process at the university. A comparative analysis of the results showed that the indicators in the experimental group exceeded the similar indicators in the control group by the specified criteria.

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