Cyber Physical System (CPS) involves the integration of the Cyber World and the Physical World. Structured Cyber-Physical Systems such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Medical Monitoring, Smart Grids, Process Control Systems, Robotics Systems, Auto-Pilot Avionics, etc. are subjected to intense research and development. Efforts are underway to build various special purpose CPSs, without any disciplined effort to innovate theoretical principles required in their analysis and design. In the past few years, control theorists began to intensify research efforts to model and analyse special purpose, structured CPSs. When Concurrent Cyber Physical Systems evolve on multiple time scales, synchronizing such systems is an important problem. The literature on dynamical systems shows that the modeling of concurrent systems received limited interest. It is clear that if concurrent CPSs need to be analysed then taking Concurrency and Synchronization into account is essential. This chapter represents one interesting solution to this problem, i.e. Tensor State Space Representation (TSSR) for modeling and analysis of Concurrent Cyber Physical Systems. Furthermore, the synchronization and temporal semantics are absolutely essential for the control of CPSs evolving on Multiple Time Scales. Thus, the concepts for handling concurrency and time-scales are inevitable in the design and implementation of Cyber Physical Systems. This chapter basically presents an analytical approach to design, monitor, and maintain dynamical concurrent systems. Along with Concurrency and Synchronization, importance and management of Temporal Semantics are also presented in this chapter. Effective methods like Temporal Division of Labor and Edge Computing are proposed to deal with the issue of sensors’ data fusion in multi-level servers. An Agent-based Framework is proposed for Reliable and Fault-tolerant CPS architecture. The type of modeling and analysis presented in the chapter will help in designing and implementing linear and distributed Cyber Physical Systems in a better way.
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