
Background At present, the development of gas fields is in most cases complicated by the increase in moisture content in natural gas. The main reason for this phenomenon is a decrease in pressure, gas temperature and, as a result, this leads to the appearance of water vapor that has condensed and accumulated in wells and gas pipelines. Further saturation of natural gas at an elevated pressure and positive temperature can lead to the formation of solid physicochemical compounds - hydrates. The occurrence of such crystalline substances can lead to the blockage of wells, gas pipelines, separators, disruption of the work of stabilizing and gauging devices, and as a result to a decrease in the level of oil production. Often, pressure regulators and fittings fail, gas is throttled, accompanied by a sharp decrease in temperature, and the disruption of the normal operation of the oil and gas production equipment. Aims and Objectives Determination of factors affecting the intensity of hydrate formation, and the study of methods to combat the formation of gas hydrates on the example of the Urengoy field. Results The factors that directly affect the intensity of hydrate formation are determined: moisture content, temperature, pressure, component composition of the gas. The possible places for gas hydrates formation are given: at fittings, in piping of pipes, in separators, in loops, on diafragms of metering sections. The main methods of preventing the hydrate formation and removal of hydrate plugs are present: increasing the gas temperature, reducing the gas pressure, removing moisture from the gas using absorbents and adsorbents, inhibitors. Methods for the control of hydrate formation, using in Urengoi field, are presented. A thermal calculation of the plume was performed, which allows determining the temperature change along the gas pipelines and determining the possible place of hydrate formation.

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