
With an emphasis on the moderating function that environmental supply chain cooperation plays, the goal of this study is to provide a complete conceptual framework of the causes of the circular economy in China. An approach that is based on a literature review is used to discover and summarize the various research that have been conducted on the subject. After that, this information is combined into the building of a conceptual model in order to highlight the primary elements that influence China's acceptance and execution of circular economy methods. Elements that are institutional, technological, economic, and social have been combined into the model that has been provided. Additionally, this research investigates the role that collaboration within environmental supply chains can play as a moderating factor in the relationship between the previously mentioned components and the Chinese circular economy. According to the findings, environmental supply chain cooperation plays a crucial role in supporting the adoption and implementation of circular economy practices in China by encouraging collaboration and coordination among a wide variety of stakeholders. This helps to ensure that circular economy practices are successfully adopted and implemented. In order to reach this goal, it is necessary to fortify the partnerships that exist within the environmental supply chain. Overall, the study offers a solid theoretical foundation for further investigation, as well as a set of practical implications for Chinese policymakers and practitioners who are working to advance the circular economy agenda.

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