
Soft innovation is suitable for the craft industry because it has significant relevance to creativity. To support the handicraft industry to develop its business through innovation, some assistance from the government has been given a lot but it does not fully involve the imagination, capacity, and innovation of craftsmen. The problem that occurs if the unique potential of these participants is neglected is the ineffectiveness of empowerment programs such as training and tutoring carried out because the needs and abilities of participants vary, in such a way that program funds issued by the government will be wasted and do not increase the competitiveness of the participants, thus threatening to shrink the contribution to the country's GDP. This happens because there is no soft innovation creative collaboration model in Indonesia and from the existing references, most of them are still about innovation collaboration models in general. It is very important to research the development of soft innovation of handicraft products in Indonesia related to the conceptual framework of the soft innovation collaboration model for Batik MSMEs in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to create a conceptual framework for the collaboration model of batik MSMEs in Indonesia for the development of soft innovation where the benefits are to facilitate the creation of creative collaboration models for batik MSMEs. The method used in this study is qualitative research with a literature approach. In the conceptual framework, the variables used are internal factors consisting of human resources, structure, strategy and external factors consisting of markets, governments, academics, communities.

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