
This study investigates the correlation between the needs of residents in Wuxi, China, and the provision of neighborhood outdoor spaces, through the lens of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The objective is to discern and comprehend the distinct needs residents have for outdoor spaces across various tiers of Maslow's hierarchy, encompassing physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. This study utilizes quantitative research methods, integrating data obtained from a survey of 372 residents to acquire insights into their perspectives on outdoor spaces. The findings reveal that, at the physiological level, residents place a premium on access to clean and verdant spaces for relaxation and exercise. From a safety perspective, the availability of well-lit, secure, and meticulously maintained outdoor settings is deemed essential. In terms of love and belonging, environments that encourage neighborhood interaction and foster social bonds, such as playgrounds and community gardens, are highly valued. Regarding esteem, spaces that are aesthetically appealing and bolster local identity and pride hold significant importance. Finally, concerning self-actualization, areas that provide avenues for personal development and engagement with the environment, including educational workshops and neighborhood vegetable gardens, are in demand. The study underscores the necessity of adopting a holistic approach to urban planning that accounts for the multifaceted needs of residents at different levels of Maslow’s hierarchy. The insights garnered from Wuxi, China, suggest that satisfying these varied needs is pivotal to enhancing the overall well-being and contentment of residents with their community outdoor spaces. This research offers critical perspectives for urban planners, landscape architects, and policymakers dedicated to fostering more habitable, sustainable, and needs-focused outdoor environments in urban settings.

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