
The urgency of the chosen topic is due to the insufficient development of the methodology of public administration of legal education in Ukraine, the need for its conception, the definition of the structure, the mechanism of influence on cognition and practice. In this regard, the necessity of creating the conception of legal education development as a comprehensive detailed long-term course of Ukraine aimed at achieving the main goal of law-education activity – enhancement of legal culture and legal consciousness of the population is substantiated.The article presents the meaning of the conception for the field of knowledge of public governance and administration and proposes to consider it as a normative legal document, which defines the mission and development ideas, reflects the vision of the existing state of a particular process or phenomenon. The block diagram of the development of the conception of public administration in legal education in Ukraine is proposed. The structure of the conception which confirms its scientific character is defined: substantiation of the conception of the goal and directions of the conception realization; tasks concerning realization of directions defined in the conception; identification of steps (ways, measures, methods), the responsibles and timing of implementation; expected results.The factors influencing the formation of a high level of legal culture and citizens’ legal consciousness are determined, the most actual problems that are characteristic for the modern stage of Ukrainian society development are outlined. The structure of general goals and directions concerning the development of legal education in Ukraine is presented. The functions to be performed by the public administration system in the development of legal education (forecasting, planning, organizational, coordinational, regulating, accounting, controlling, informing, explanatory, propaganda, diagnostic, compensatory) are determined.It is proved that the conception should represent a system of views on the development of legal education, the formation of a state policy on the development of legal literacy of the population, consolidation of efforts of state authorities and government, local self-government and various civil society organizations in shaping legal knowledge, raising the level of legal culture and legal awareness of citizens.


  • It is proved that the conception should represent a system of views on the development of legal education, the formation of a state policy on the development of legal literacy of the population, consolidation of efforts of state authorities and government, local self-government and various civil society organizations in shaping legal knowledge, raising the level of legal culture and legal awareness of citizens

  • We propose to build a conception for the development of legal education in such a structure: the rationale for the conception topic; goals and directions of the conception implementation; tasks concerning realization of directions defined in the conception; identification of steps, the responsiblse and timing of implementation; expected results

  • The article substantiates the necessity of developing a conception for the development of legal education in Ukraine as a comprehensive inclusive longterm course aimed at achieving the main goal of the legal education – enhancing the legal culture and legal consciousness of the Ukrainian population

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Концептуальні засади формування системи публічного управління правовою освітою

В статті обґрунтовано необхідність розробки концепції розвитку правової освіти як детального всеохоплюючого довгострокового курсу України, спрямованого на досягнення головної мети правоосвітньої діяльності – підвищення правової культури і правової свідомості населення. As Yu. Didok says, the conception is “a way of understanding, interpreting processes or phenomena; a system of evidences of a particular position, a set of views on a particular subject of study, a doctrine, a theoretical direction or approach, a leading idea; the form of the leading ideological plan during the formation of the state policy or the document developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure”. One can conclude that the conception in the field of public governance and administration knowledge can be considered in the following meanings: as a document produced by public authorities during the formation of the state policy; as a way of scientific cognition of a particular management process or of a certain phenomenon, which are influenced administratively; as a managerial structure containing a general system understanding of the ways of transition from the current position of the administered object to the desired. In the context of our study, it is expedient to develop a system of scientifically grounded ideas (conceptual foundations) regarding the development of legal education as a separate sphere of life of the society and the system of public administration that regulates the law-education activity in Ukraine

Goal indicators
Organization of legal education of a citizen of Ukraine
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