
The article provides an economic analysis of the development of the market for berry crops in Ukraine, its basic principles are noted, and restraining development factors are identified. Ecological-economic, regulations and legal features of the industry are investigated. In Ukraine, 39% of the cultivated area under berry plantings is occupied by wildstrawberries and strawberries, 23% — under raspberries and blackberries, 24% — currants, 4% — gooseberries, and the rest (blueberries, cornel, etc.) — occupy only 10%. The gross harvest of berry-culture in 2011–2018, despite the difference in meteorological conditions, was growing. For raspberries and blackberries during the research period it increased from 28.6 to 35.2 that is, it grew by 19%, increasing annually by 2–7%. For wild strawberries and strawberries gross harvest on average between 2011 and 2018 reached 62,1·103 tons, the conditions of the year influenced this indicator, so the indicator could fluctuate ±11–14%. For currants, gross yield on average for 2011–2018. reached 26,1·103 tons, and for gooseberries — 7,2·103 tons. Berry crops productivity, on the whole, grew from 60,1 in 2011 to 68.4 — in 2018, raspberries and blackberries steadily increased their indicators, respectively, from 55 to 65,9 centner/ha. For strawberries and strawberries for the study period, the average yield was 74.4 centner/ha and fluctuate ± 9–11%. For currants, the average crop for 2011–2018 was 57,7 centner/ha; and for gooseberries — 77 centner/ha, with annual yields increasing by 5–15%. Since 2012, the export of Ukrainian berries has been growing gradually — from 65 tons in 2016 and up to — more than 3,000 tons currently. Ukraine occupies 6% of the total world`s strawberry market. The largest buyer of Ukrainian strawberries and currants is Belarus, raspberries — Poland. The production of fruit and berry crops also remains one of the most stable for all years of agrarian reforms, testifying, first of all, to its rather high need for competitiveness and economic efficiency. Ways of development of the modern berry-culture market are determined, among which are modern technologies for storing berries for several months with the purpose of further sale at competitive prices and exporting them.


  • У статті проведено економічний аналіз розвитку ринку ягідних культур в Україні, відмічено його основні засади, виявлено стримуючі факторів розвитку

  • Для смородини урожайність у середньому за 2011–2018 рр. сягала [57,7] ц/га; а для аґрусу — 77 ц/га, причому щороку врожайність збільшувалась на 5–15%

  • Виробництво плодово-ягідних культур залишається також одним із найстабільніших за всі роки аграрного реформування, що свідчить передусім про доволі високу його потребу конкурентоспроможності та економічну ефективність

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Про насіння і садивний матеріал

6. Про основні принципи та вимоги до органічного виробництва, обігу та маркування органічної продукції: Закон України

Про державну підтримку сільського господарства України
17. Сільське господарство України
17. Sil’s’ke hospodarstvo Ukrainy
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