
Topicality. In market conditions, business entities apply new methods and approaches for effective functioning and increase the competitiveness of their products, strive to increase added value and reduce costs, including logistic. The formation and implementation of logistics development at the micro- and macro-level is an urgent task for both individual business entities and the state as a whole. The correct definition of the internal content, essence and nature of logistics development serves as the first stage for the development of mechanisms for the formation of effective logistics of commodity markets, state policy in the market dimension and substantiation of a set of methods and tools for regulating commodity movement processes both between business entities and between sectors of commodity markets. Therefore, logistics development is an effective and purposeful process for solving the above-mentioned tasks.Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to generalize theoretical approaches to the definition of the concepts of «logistics» and «development» in order to optimize logistics activities and further logistics development of the country.The main tasks that the author sets for himself: to conduct a content analysis of the concepts of logistics and development; define approaches to the category «development», define the concept of «logistics development».Research results. Conducted content analysis of the «development» and «logistics» categories, four approaches to defining the concept of «development» are highlighted - philosophical, natural, economic and logistical, and their essence is revealed, the proposed author's definition categories «logistic development of the commodity market». It was established that there is no definition of development, the object of which is the logistics chain.Conclusion. According to the results of the content analysis of the categories «development» and «logistics», approaches to the definition of the concept of «development», the author's definition is proposed categories «logistic development of the commodity market», namely: the process of forming an effective logistics chain of the F&B market, transforming its structure in the direction of developing (activating) links of processing and storage of products, which make it possible to ensure the expanded reproduction of goods movement in the market and to optimize the chain added value.The essence of such scientific approaches to the concept of «development» as philosophical, natural, economic and logistical is revealed.

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