
The article is devoted to the current problems of the development of the conceptual foundations of enterprise asset management in the conditions of modern challenges. Asset management is viewed by most organizations as a simple business operation, however, the modern era requires sophisticated methodologies to meet business needs in optimizing asset management. A review of international standards on asset management was conducted. British Standards have made a significant contribution by publishing their PAS 55 standard on asset management. In January 2014, the International Organization for Standardization released the ISO 55000 series of standards, which are mainly based on PAS 55. The purpose of the standardization was to unite organizations around the world under a common asset management system. The needs for the formation of asset management programs based on standardized definitions of the concept of "enterprise asset", types of assets, and in conditions of uncertainty were noted. The authors analyzed the problems of the forecasting paradigm, which is marked by huge uncertainty, and formed the factors for ensuring correct forecasts in the models. The primary goal of an effective asset management program is to ensure that assets maximize value for all stakeholders in the value chain throughout their lifecycle. Empirical evidence shows that accurate forecasting in the economic and business world is quite difficult due to significant uncertainty, since practically all types of economic and business activity depend on events that we cannot predict in principle. In this context, a high-level model is proposed, which provides an integrated approach to the management of individual or complex assets. The proposed global model contains six sub-models: Market and revenue sub-model, A sub-model of factors of reliability, availability and serviceability, A sub-model of operations and operational constraints, Cost submodel, Organizational submodel A sub-model of influence taking into account other influence factors. The models of this plan provide a comprehensive approach to the management of individual or complex assets. It can help organizations overcome challenges associated with aging infrastructure or human assets, as well as isolated or disconnected systems. An integrated approach can help align operations with overall business goals by breaking down multiple non-standard, non-integrated systems. This integrated approach can also support long-term and short-term planning, use preventive maintenance and asset-based maintenance methods, help manage suppliers by supporting a full range of contracts and fully support service agreement management, etc.

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