
The renewal of the thematic and stylistic diversity of visual art manifestations led to the renewal of the conceptual, terminological and categorical apparatuses of contemporary art history. Contemporary art is one of the most dynamic cultural phenomena ofour time, so it needs to be updated constantly study reflection and analysis tools, to its orientation in the huge number of species, trendsand genres. The development of contemporary art is inextricably linked with technological progress, digital innovations, and in its traditional direction, it is constantly looking for new forms, inventing new genre systems, playing with contrasts and experimenting with materials. There is no doubt that all these processes are of interest to modern scholars and above all must be regulated to some terminological system. One of the priorities in the theoretical discourse of aesthetics and philosophy of art is the question of formulating the definition of “contemporary art”. The philosophical reflections of J. Baudrillard, M. Merleau-Ponty, J. Ortega y Gasset, and others played an importantrole in the formation of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of modern fine arts. The theoretical foundations proposed in the framework of their philosophical reflection were developed in the art of postmodernism and artistic practices of the early XXI century. Art andconceptual principles of modernism and postmodernism have become a prologue to the formation of the phenomenon of modern art as a reflection of current trends in cultural, spiritual, social spheres of time.

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