
In Suicide, Durkheim attempted to derive a sociological explanation of variations in social suicide rates. He postulated identical relations between each of two independent variables-integration and regulation-and suicide. When either is high or low, the suicide rate is high; when either is moderate, the rate is low. Changes in rates are proportional to changes in the strength of these two variables. The low and high points of each are named-egoism and altruism (integration), anomie and fatalism (regulation) and identified as the causes of suicide.laObviouslythe relationship between integration and regulation is crucial; yet writers do not agree on what, if anything, distinguishes them. Parsons maintained that integration refers to value content, regulation to the strength of social control.2 Nisbet suggested that anomie is a breakdown of moral community; egoism, of social community.3 Coser defined the difference in terms of structural integration versus normative regulation.4 Agreeing with Coser on the meaning of regulation, Wallwork saw integration as a matter of attachment to group morals.5 Giddens felt that Durkheim linked egoism with moral individualism, and anomie with a lack of moral regulation.6 Finally, Lukes argued that integration refers to the social bonds tying the individual to socially-given ideals and purposes; regulation, to those that regulate the individual's desires.7 Others, however, noting the overlap between integration and regulation, have stressed the difficulty of identifying any sociological distinction.8 Some have implicitly acknowledged the overlap by coupling egoism and anomie or by attributing to one characteristics that Durkheim links with the other. Wolin characterized anomie as a 'riot of egoism', and LaCapra referred to an 'anomic absence of meaning in experience'.9 Although numerous authors have explicitly recognized a difficulty, most have either ignored the problem altogether, simply restated the distinctions Durkheim enumerated, or otherwise failed to clarify a viable difference.l° In short, if a difference exists, writers disagree on what it is; furthermore, the distinctions they draw

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