
Information technology has covered a global village of Software testing as a service. Data is very important for every organization as it is difficult to test a real world environment in terms of hardware, software licensing, simulator etc. This qualitative study illustrates the concept of Software testing as a service and methods used to give these services to the customer or software organizations. SAAS is an active and challenging activity in the technological era. TESTQUAL tool is used for measuring the performance of tester’s services for both developer and end user in terms of software quality and investigate different quality measures of the end user in the direction of tangibility, user satisfaction and agency oversight.This study focuses the tools that can be used to test the quality of software for the developer and end user. It also describes the framework of TESTQUAL and practical implementation of the TESTQUAL. Tangibility is measured for the requirement of software and hardware is being used and proper documentation is use for every process to meet requisite of the user. Alpha and beta testing is used to measure the user satisfaction in contact with the software. Testers are the agents to measure the quality of software for the user in this research article. This research article assures that the developed software is accurate, consistent, reliable and secure according to the expectations of the end user.The perspective of software testing as a service will improve the software quality services by implementable and structured TESTQUAL tool that will give tremendous benefits to both developers and end user whereas STAAS allows the organizations and developer to pay for the services when they need and which one they need. It gives automation testing with low cost that is a flexible and cost efficient benefit of STAAS.

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