
The article deals with the de nition of the judiciary and its authority as one of its descriptions as they are presented in procedural science. Attention is paid to the constitutional basis of the independence of judiciary. It is shown that authority of the judiciary is one of its independence guarantees. The di erence between internal and external independence of judiciary as it has been treated in prerevolutionary science is examined, as well as a de nition of the authority of the judiciary as a su ciency of its powers that make it possible to judiciary to control all the criminal procedure, the de nition of the subsidiary bodies of judiciary and their role in provision of the authority of judiciary under the Judicial Reform of 1864. A conclusion is drawn that there are two aspects of the authority of the judiciary: judicial and procedural. Authority of the judiciary is also compared with the principle of equality of everyone under the law and in trial. The evolution of the de nition of the authority of the judiciary in soviet science, when the separation of powers has been rejected and subsidiary bodies of judiciary has been separated from it, and in modern procedural science is exposed. Justice as a key power of the judiciary is compared with its other powers including those administered not by courts.

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