
The ancient system of Indian medical science Ayurveda describes various concepts related to physiological functioning and biological response. Agni is considered responsible for the digestive & metabolic functioning of the body. The digestion & assimilation of ingested food performed by the Agni which is very essential process for the growth and development of human body. Ayurveda emphasizes that all the diseases are the result of the weak state of Agni i.e. Mandagni. Improper functioning of Agni leads to various gastrointestinal disorders as well as various metabolic disturbances. Agni offers Arogya, Ayu, Bala, Swasthyam, Varnam, Utsaha, Ojha, Prabha,& Teja to the body which all resembles a healthy physical and mental state. Agni Dusthi is one of the causative factors for many diseases, therefore, Agni play important role towards understanding of disease pathogenesis, disease diagnosis, & setting of the treatment protocol. Amlapitta is a disease which is commonly found in almost all parts of the world. Peculiarities of this disease are, increased prevalence, vast field of manifestation of symptoms, requires prolonged dietetic control, if not treated in proper time, it may create major problems. Amlapitta is one of the commonest Vyadhi of Annavaha Strotas, caused by vitiated Agni. Amlapitta is a condition where Amla Guna of Pachak Pitta increases due to Samata. The main principle of treatment of all diseases as per Ayurveda is to restore and to strengthen the Agni. This article emphasized the conceptual understanding of Agni & its role in the pathogenesis of Amlapitta Vyadhi.


  • Ayurveda is the science of healthy living emphasized biological integrity with relation to various concepts

  • Agni correlates with digestive fire as per modern science and it is associated with activities of hormones, enzyme and co-enzymes which involve in digestive & metabolic functioning of body

  • Ayurvedic Samhitas have described healthy routine under Dinacharya & Rutucharya but in present scenario due to busy life style people are unable to follow the norms of Dinacharya and Rutucharya resulting in Agnimandya which lead to diseases like Amlapitta

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Ayurveda is the science of healthy living emphasized biological integrity with relation to various concepts. Ayurveda believe that the disease may occur due to the improper functioning of Dosha, Dhatu, Strotasa and Agni, etc. Agni one of the important concepts which affect physiological functioning of human body and considered responsible for healthy well-being. Agni correlates with digestive fire as per modern science and it is associated with activities of hormones, enzyme and co-enzymes which involve in digestive & metabolic functioning of body. Ahara Paka (metabolic transformations) contributes greatly towards the healthy status and this process mainly affects by potency of Agni, proper functioning of. Agni plays a very important role in the pathogenesis of Amlapitta Vyadhi. The improper functioning of Agni leads impaired transformation of Ahara, Dhatus and Malas which resulted abnormal physiological functioning of body. Conceptual understanding of Agni and its role in the Pathogenesis of Amlapitta Vyadhi will be analysed in this article

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