
People who suffer from severe motor disabilities have difficulties to communicate with others or to interact with their environment using natural, i.e., muscular channels. These limitations can be overcome to some extent by using brain–computer interfaces (BCIs), because such systems allow users to communicate on the basis of their brain activity only. Among the several types of BCIs for spelling purposes, those that rely on the P300 event related potential—P300-based spellers—are chosen preferentially due to their high reliability. However, they demand from the user to sustain his/her attention to the desired character over a relatively long period of time. Therefore, the user's capacity to concentrate can affect his/her performance with a P300-based speller. The aim of this study was to test this hypothesis using three different interfaces: one based on the classic P300 speller paradigm, another also based on that speller but including a word predictor, and a third one that was based on the T9 interface developed for mobile phones. User performance was assessed by measuring the time to complete a spelling task and the accuracy of character selection. The d2 test was applied to assess attention and concentration. Sample (N = 14) was divided into two groups basing on of concentration scores. As a result, performance was better with the predictor-enriched interfaces: less time was needed to solve the task and participants made fewer errors (p < .05). There were also significant effects of concentration (p < .05) on performance with the standard P300 speller. In conclusion, the performance of those users with lower concentration level can be improved by providing BCIs with more interactive interfaces. These findings provide substantial evidence in order to highlight the impact of psychological features on BCI performance and should be taken into account for future assistive technology systems.

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