
The Italian guidelines concerning the dumping of dredgingmaterials implies chemical, physical and microbiologicalcharacterisation of dumping sediments collected through aspecific sampling strategy.POP's such as PCB's and organochlorine pesticides, areconsidered as priority pollutants in all the InternationalConventions for the protection of the marine environment, inconsequence of their persistence, toxicity and bioaccumulation capacity.In the present article the concentrations and distribution ofPCB's and organochlorine pesticides in dredging sediments ofPiombino harbour (northern Thyrrenian sea) were investigates.The results showed high POP's concentrations in all the studiedareas. The maximum values were: 3.94 mg kg-1 dry weight for PCB's(IUPAC Nos. 28; 52; 101, 118; 137; 153; 180; 209); 2.04 mg kg-1 d.w.for HCH's (α-, β-, γ- and δ-hexachlorocyclohexane isomers); 0.28 mg kg-1 d.w. for DD's (DDT + DDE + DDD).Subsequently, the data related to each pollutant were treatedwith statistical tests, in order to verify how well the samplingstrategy is able to represent the distribution of contaminantsin the dredging area. Finally, management strategies werederived for the studied dredging sediments.

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