
For the first time, digital inequality was discovered on the example of using a new measure of information theory for socio-physical systems and LCLB calculus in relation to regions/countries/continents: New Zealand, Canada, Africa, South and North America, Australia. The identification of digital inequality was carried out on the basis of a study of open IT-platform statistics on the development of the COVID-19 pandemic in these regions/countries/continents. A conditional uncalibrated amount of information showed the best conditions for achieving favorable goals (for a person) by the "society-human-virus" system in New Zealand and in some African countries (where there is an irrationally productive way of making decisions). We draw attention to the fact that the "society-human-virus" system behaves as a single information/computing/computer system (in other words, as a sociotechnical system). Thus, the LCLB calculus used in this work can be effectively applied in pandemic computer science, as well as for highly effective forecasting of the socio-political situation in real time.

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