
The results of the development of a mathematical model for quantifying the current profile of the conversions of the key component of a chemically active reaction gas mixture in the course of its movement in a polytropic tubular reactor of the "pipe in a pipe" type are presented. The volume of the inner tube of the reactor is filled with catalyst granules and is an exothermic chemical reaction zone. To develop models of concentration and temperature fields in the reaction zone, the corresponding balance differential equations were used. Such a mathematical model allows for an operational analysis of the technological regime of the reactor when preparing initial data for the design and development of an automatic control system. For computer simulation, the mathematical description of the reactor is represented by a system of differential equations in the form of a Cauchy. The model was tested on the example of evaluating the process of catalytic contact oxidation of sulfur dioxide in a reactor with a direct-flow circuit of heat carriers and the return of a heated initial gas mixture to the inlet of pipes with a catalyst. The obtained dependence of the conversion on the temperature during the course of the reactor has a characteristic form that coincides with that described in the literature sources. A structural model of the automatic control system of a polytropic tubular reactor is proposed, which is oriented to the use of computer simulation. The model of the automatic control system was tested on a specific example of stabilization of the conversion of sulfur dioxide at the reactor outlet with an unstable flow rate of the initial gas mixture at the inlet. To assess the capability and quality of the developed control system, the SimInTech dynamic modeling environment of technical systems was used. It is assumed that the mathematical model developed in the article can be used to create adaptive or self-adjusting process control systems that use tubular reactors. For citation: Andreev A.S., Aksenchik K.V. Computer modeling and evaluation of the possibility of controlling the catalytic process in the polytropic mode of operation of a tubular reactor. ChemChemTech [Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol.]. 2023. V. 66. N 2. P. 120-127. DOI: 10.6060/ivkkt.20236602.6727.

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