
The reaction of F(2P) with acetone has been studied theoretically using ab initio quantum chemistry methods and transition state theory. The potential energy surface was calculated at the G3MP2 level using the MP2/6-311G(d,p) optimized structures. Additionally, to ensure the accuracy of the calculations, optimizations with either larger basis set (e.g., MP2/G3MP2Large) or higher level electron correlation [e.g., CCSD/ 6-311G(d,p)] were also performed. It has been revealed that the F + CH3C(O)CH3 reaction proceeds via two pathways: (1) the direct hydrogen abstraction of acetone by F gives the major products HF + CH3C(O)CH2; (2) the addition of F atom to the >C=O double bond of acetone and the subsequent C-C bond cleavage gives the minor products CH3 + CH3C(O)F. All other product channels are of no importance due to the occurrence of significant barriers. Both abstraction and addition appear to be barrierless processes. Variational transition state model and multichannel RRKM theory were employed to calculate the temperature- and pressure-dependent rate constants and branching ratios. The predicted rate constants for the abstraction channel and the yields of HF + CH3C(O)CH3 and CH3 + CH3C(O)F are both in good agreement with the experimental data at 295 K and 700 Torr. A negative temperature dependence of the overall rate constants was predicted at temperatures below 500 K.

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