
Due to the vast area of application and reliability, fiber optic magnetic field sensors have been the subject of several studies, however, some of these application areas are submitted to temperature variations, which can hinder the sensors in monitoring the magnetic field. With this panorama, this work analyzes through computational modeling a fiber optical magnetic field sensor, using the magneto-optical Faraday effect and observing temperature effects in the sensor response. For modeling, a numerical model built in COMSOL Multiphysics is used. The results show a value for cross-sensitivity of 3.27 mT/°C in a non-optimized configuration of the sensor and of 2.47 mT/°C for an optimized configuration. A methodology for optimizing the sensor to operate in a certain temperature range, 55 to 75 °C, is also discussed. The results presented in this work show that the temperature is an important factor to be considered to improve the selectivity and to obtain the correct sensitivity of the sensor.

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