
The author examines the current state of studying the problem of finding optimal, scientifically grounded ways to improve the domestic system of compulsory measures for the re-education of juvenile offenders. The author reviews theoretical and experimental studies of Ukrainian and foreign scholars working in the fields of law, psychology, pedagogy and sociology. Researcher use case law, legal statistics and data relevant international experience. The author analyzes the legal nature of compulsory educational measures under the Criminal Code of Ukraine, attempts to determine the prospects for the development of the domestic system of these measures. The researcher formulates the arguments in favor of the expediency of updating the specified system. The author supports the idea of creating a qualitatively new system of compulsory measures of educational nature that will be applied to minors exempted from criminal liability. The researcher formulates arguments in support of the idea of the need to supplement the existing system of criminal penalties for minors by their new types, some of which will be based on certain coercive measures of educational nature. The researcher expresses and justifies the proposal on the need to improve the domestic system of compulsory educational measures applicable to minors exempted from punishment. The author evaluates the effectiveness of certain coercive measures of educational nature, provided by the current legislation of Ukraine on criminal liability.

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