
Abstract: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is a groundbreaking artificial intelligence technology that transforms generative modeling through the implementation of a novel adversarial training framework. GANs are made up of two neural networks, the generator and the discriminator, which compete in a minimax game in order to generate counterfeit samples of data and distinguish between real and fake data. This adversarial training method results in the creation of highly proficient generative models capable of producing data that is identical to real-world samples. GANs have been shown to have significant outcomes in a variety of programs, consisting of synthesizing images, style transfer, medical visualization, and natural language processing. However, GANs encounter difficulties with problems like mode collapse and operational irregularities. Presently, research is aimed at tackling these problems and strengthening GAN frameworks and training approaches. GANs’ adaptability and perspective contribute to an intriguing technology for a wide range of sectors and artistic activities, with consequences for artificial intelligence growth and generative modeling breakthroughs. GANs incorporate the potential of competitive training with their capacity to generate extremely realistic data in a variety of domains. We will begin by looking at the fundamental concepts, and underlying principles that reinforce GANs, and their general architecture, investigate their different possible uses, and discuss the obstacles and potential developments in this instantly transforming field.

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