An actual direction in the development of blast-furnace smelting technology is the implementation of stable operating modes of blast furnaces in terms of the parameters of the used charge materials and hot combined blast. For this purpose, complex indicators characterizing the thermal and reduction modes of blast furnace smelting, and integral indicators of iron ore raw materials (IORM) quality are being studied. The object of the study is the blast furnace process under the conditions of PJSC NLMK. The database of the main indicators of the operation of blast furnaces No. 4, 6 and 7 for the period 2013–2018 was analyzed. The furnaces operate under raw material conditions, with similar combined blast parameters and coke consumption. When the consumption of natural gas, pulverized coal and process oxygen changes, the values of the degree of compensation (the ratio of the consumption of reducing additives to the consumption of process oxygen) are in the range of 0.9–1.1. This provides a constant level of hearth heating, stability of the gas-dynamic mode of melting and coke consumption. At the same time, the different level of development of the processes of indirect (Ri) and direct (rd) reduction in blast furnaces No. 4, 6 and 7 makes it possible to perform correct studies of the features of blast furnace smelting in a wide range of Ri and rd values. It has been established that under the conditions of stable operation of blast furnaces on raw materials from sinter and pellets using combined blast, the type of dependence of the sulfur and silicon content in pig iron on the values of the integrated iron ore raw materials quality index is determined by degree development level of direct reduction processes rd. It has been established that the mode of blast furnace smelting with natural gas, pulverized coal and process oxygen, characterized by the level of rd values less than 20–25 %, is distinguished by the presence of a pronounced extreme dependence of coke consumption and productivity on the parameters of the combined blast.
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