
Composting of fish processing wastes and biosolids with wood by-products and yard trimmings was conducted during the summer of 1996 and winter of 1997 in NW Patagonia using: (i) static piles for fish offal and (ii) turning piles for biosolids. Fish offal was mixed with sawdust + wood shavings (FOC) at 3:1 ratio by weight and biosolids with wood shavings (BCw) and yard trimmings (BCt) at 1:1 ratio by volume. Samples were taken at six dates during the composting period and analyzed to determine the factors that predict compost maturity. Composting of biosolids was affected by the type of bulking agent during winter. Thermophilic temperatures ⩾55 °C were sustained long enough to satisfy the USEPA requirements for processes to further reduce pathogens (PFRP) in FOC and BCt, and for processes to significantly reduce pathogens (PSRP) in summer BCw, while in winter BCw temperatures were lower than those recommended for effective pathogen reduction. However, coliform fecal content in all BC treatments was less than 10 most probable number (MPN) g -1 dry sample at the end of the process. The ratio of water soluble carbon (WSC) to total nitrogen (TN) appeared to be a more adequate index to predict compost maturity than the ratio of total organic carbon to nitrogen.

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