
Liquid scintillation detection of potassium-40 was used to estimate pork carcass composition of 124 boars, barrows and gilts. Pigs were fed to five live weights (23, 45, 68, 91 and 114 kg) and 40K emissions were determined on live pigs in a whole body counter (WBC) equipped with a two-pi liquid scintillation detector. Then, pigs were slaughtered conventionally and the right side of each carcass was weighed, 40K emissions of this carcass side was determined in the WBC and total grams of potassium were calculated. The right side of each carcass was ground, sampled and analyzed for fat, protein, moisture and potassium. Fat, protein, moisture and overall potassium percentage means were 23.9 +/- 7.2, 16.5 +/- .94, 57.0 +/- 6.5 and .25 +/- .02, respectively. Whole body counter carcass potassium was highly correlated (P less than .01) to chemically determined carcass potassium (r = .70). Percentage of fat, protein and moisture prediction equations were formed by stepwise regression using the linear, quadratic and interactive effects of live animal and carcass side weight. Whole body counter live animal and carcass potassium and sex were utilized as independent variables. Carcass weight and 40K determined potassium of the carcass explained more of the variation in carcass composition than did live animal weight and 40K determined potassium of the live animal.

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