
La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 (LSMO) and LaMnO3 (LMO) thin films epitaxially grown on (001) LaAlO3 substrate at 700 and 800°C were studied using cross-section and plan-view transmission electron microscopy. In both LSMO and LMO films deposited at 700°C, a two-layered structure was observed: a continuous cubic perovskite layer epitaxially grown on the substrate followed by epitaxially grown orthorhombic column nanostructures. The orthogonal nano columns in LSMO were very well defined with a narrow size distribution. The LMO films exhibited a somewhat distorted orthogonal shape for the nanostructured columns and a wider size distribution. LSMO and LMO epitaxial films deposited at 800°C consisted of only a continuous single layer of cubic perovskite. These results reveal that formation of epitaxial column nanostructures in the La1-xSrxMnO3 thin films strongly depends on the growth temperature. Sr substitution on La sites in La1-xSrxMnO3 can improve uniformity of column size distribution and perfection of the orthogonal shape of nano columns.

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