
The article considers the components of graphic training concept for future mechanical engineers in institutions of higher and vocational education. The definition of «concept» is analyzed in various aspects of application. The essence of «didactic concept» is clarified and pedagogical theories that are embedded in the concept of the developed methodology are identified. It is determined that on the basis of the theory the methodology of learning at university is formed. It is proved that the implementation of this approach in training is based on both purely didactic principles and didactic principles of production training: polytechnic principle, the principle of combining learning with practical activities, the principle of modeling professional activity in the educational process, the principle of professional mobility, the principle of modularity, the principle of self-management in cognitive and production training, the principle of computerization of the pedagogical process, the principle of individuality, the principle of subjectivity, the principle of free choice, the principle of creative realization, the principle of developing potential. Principles of production training have their own characteristics, which are characterized in the article.
 It is determined that the detailed stage of the concept expresses the specific subject methodology and includes: the goals of teaching engineering graphics by means of computer modeling at the level of engineering and graphic training of future mechanical engineers, at the level of training of engineering and graphic disciplines (in particular, the educational discipline «Descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics»), at the level of organization of educational and cognitive subject activities training; didactic principles of structuring the content of engineering and graphic disciplines (including the discipline «Descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics»); interactive style of learning engineering graphics by means of computer modeling; criteria, indicators and levels of engineering and graphic training of students as a result of teaching engineering and graphic disciplines.

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