
This paper aims to study Compliance as an instrument to protect psychological integrity in the work environment, with the potential to reduce absenteeism rates due to mental illness in Public Organisations. The problem in relation to which the present research intends to investigate is summarized through the following question: why can Compliance Programmes be instruments capable of promoting psychological integrity in the work environment and reducing absenteeism rates due to illness psychic? To answer the research question, the work will be divided into two parts: a first theoretical part, to deepen knowledge about Compliance applied to the protection of human life in the work environment; and another empirical part, to identify absenteeism rates and the main factors that lead to absence from work due to mental health in the Federal Attorney General's Office, a body linked to the Attorney General’s Office. Empirical research will be developed through the use of quantitative and qualitative techniques, with data collection and a structured interview with Federal Prosecutors. To analyse the data obtained in the interview, the technique of content analysis will be used.

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