
The complexation of the triptolide PG490 and its succinate derivative PG490-88Na with various cyclodextrins was studied using three complementary techniques: affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The apparent binding constants of the complexes formed between the drugs and 8 CDs (α-CD, β-CD, γ-CD, HP-α-CD, HP-β-CD, HP-γ-CD, CM-β-CD and amino-β-CD) were determined by ACE through linear Scott's plots. The apparent and averaged binding constants of the complexes formed between PG490-88 and β-CD, γ-CD, HP-α-CD, HP-β-CD or HP-γ-CD are contained in the narrow range 135-167 M(-1). For the anionic CM-β-CD and cationic amino-β-CD, these constants are 38 and 278 M(-1), respectively, which is in accordance with electrostatic repulsions or attractions with the succinate moiety. ITC and NMR investigations for the binding constants determinations were performed for 2 CDs allowing high complexation: HP-β-CD and amino-β-CD. The three techniques provided similar results. ITC and NMR, in contrast to ACE, allowed to study the complexes formed between the neutral compound PG490 and neutral cyclodextrins. A more advanced characterization of the PG 490-88Na/amino-β-CD complex, which displays the highest apparent binding constant, was undertaken using NMR spectroscopy. The 1:1 stoichiometry of the complex was established by (1)H NMR 1D and selective 1D TOCSY experiments using the continuous variation method. Moreover, the 1D and 2D ROESY experiments revealed the inclusion of the isopropyl moiety of the triptolide derivative in the hydrophobic CD cavity. Altogether, the data provide strong evidences that the two triptolide compounds can be efficiently complexed with CD.

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