Summary. Purpose of research. Development of a method for prevention of placental insuffi ciency (PN) in high-risk pregnancy in women of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (RSO-A) with the complex use of antihypoxant limontar and ozone therapy (OT). Material and methods. Observations were made of 75 pregnant residents of RSO-A with diagnosed PN, whose average age was 32,6 ± 8,14 years. Using a simple randomization method, 3 groups were formed: in the main group (OG), patients received prevention of PN by using OT and antihypoxant limontar; in the comparison group (GS), only limontar; in the control group (KG), pregnant women did not receive prevention of PN. All patients observed before and after PN prevention were examined for placental lactogen and estriol, ultrasound of the fetoplacental complex (FPC), Doppler examination of the uterine blood fl ow and ultrasound examination of the placenta structure, and morphological examination of the placenta. Results. Based on identifi ed pathogenetic mechanisms of the disorders in the system “mother — placenta — fetus” are defined by a high clinical effi cacy of combined pharmaco-ozone therapy (CT) in the prevention of PN in pregnant women at risk, which was manifested by the lack of progression of PN, whereas in GS, where patients received only pharmacotherapy with limontar, progression was noted in 31,8 % of cases, in KG, where there was no prevention, is 56 %. Conclusion. In the present study, the positive effect of OT and antihypoxant limontar on the processes of microcirculation, metabolism, and adaptation of the body, which provides a signifi cant reduction in the frequency of pregnancy complications, increasing the adaptive capabilities of the fetus and improving perinatal outcomes.
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